The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style (news)

The latest news and world events along with a dash of inspiration and a brush up on French language and culture. Tune in to become up-to-date in fewer than fifteen minutes each Sunday morning.


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Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The latest news and world events along with a dash of inspiration and a brush up on French language and culture. Tune in to become up-to-date in fewer than fifteen minutes each Sunday morning.


Direct download: 88AuCourant.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The latest news and world events along with a dash of inspiration and a brush up on French language and culture. Tune in to become up-to-date in fewer than fifteen minutes each Sunday morning.


Direct download: aucourant272016.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The latest news and world events along with a dash of inspiration and a brush up on French language and culture. Tune in to become up-to-date in fewer than fifteen minutes each Sunday morning.


Direct download: 84aucourant_-_1-30-16_6.17_PM.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The latest news and world events along with a dash of inspiration and a brush up on French language and culture. Tune in to become up-to-date in fewer than fifteen minutes each Sunday morning.

Direct download: 82aucourant12416.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The latest news and world events along with a dash of inspiration and a brush up on French language and culture. Tune in to become up-to-date in fewer than fifteen minutes each Sunday morning.

Direct download: 80Aucourant.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The latest news and world events along with a dash of inspiration and a brush up on French language and culture. Tune in to become up-to-date in fewer than fifteen minutes each Sunday morning.

Direct download: 78AuCourant11016.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The latest news and world events along with a dash of inspiration and a brush up on French language and culture. Tune in to become up-to-date in fewer than fifteen minutes each Sunday morning.

Direct download: 76AuCourant1316.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

President Obama renames Mt. McKinley, migrants stop a Eurostar train for hours near Calais, France, experts discover more trees on the planet earth than expected and much more!

In this week's French Word of the Week it's all about wrapping up vacations and returning to the regular routine. Can you guess what word is the focus?

Direct download: sept52015aucourant59.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, firefighters from Down Under come to help the west, Serene begins the pursuit of wrapping up the grand slam and much, much more. 

In this week's French Word of the Week, Géraldine is sharing the differences in language when it comes to friendships and romantic partnerships.

Direct download: 57aucourantaug292015.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

First two women graduate from Army Ranger School, Addyi is approved for women's libidos, Lily Tomlin stars in a delightful new film and much more.

In this week's French Word of the Week, we're talking food and breakfast, French toast specifically.

Direct download: 55aucourantaugust22.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, a WWII bomb in London, the film People, Places, Things and much more in this week's top news stories of the week.

Direct download: AucourantAugu152015.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The top stories from the past stories such as President Obama's announcement on greenhouse gas emmissions, meditation's positive effects on being self-critical and the return of a Stradivarius  violin that was lost 35 years ago. So much to talk about, so tune in and you'll be au courant in 15 minutes or less. 

Direct download: AuCourantAugust82015.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Discover the top stories of the past week in 15 minutes or less. This week topics range from the selection of the 2022 Winter Olympics to Turkey, health studies, the Republican Presidential debate, Jon Stewart and a films that are debuting nationally and in Bend.

Geraldine Lepere discusses a chic French word of the week that you won't want to miss.

Direct download: 49AuCourantAug12015.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Part of living well is being in the know, whether it is being knowledgable of news from around the world or informed of going-ons right in your own community, because it’s not what you think, it’s that you think. All of the information shared on the Au Courant Weekly will enable you to go forth into the weekend ready for an engaging conversation or simply mindful of the most recent current events, from which you can formulate your own opinions. So tune in each Saturday morning, and in 15 minutes or less you will be au courant.

In this week's episode: Dr. Seuss, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, the Sibling Study, Cuban Embassy, President Obama in Kenya, and more!

And don't forget Géraldine Lepère, the French language expert and founder of the website Comme une Française  offers her weekly French Word of the Week at the end of the episode. Find out what it is!

Direct download: 47AuCourant7.25.15.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 1:00am PDT