The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

From the cuisine to the fashion and everything in between, there are many aspects of the French culture that continue to fascinate people from around the world. As a professed Francophile, Shannon Ables, explains how her love of all things French became the primary foundation of her blog's premise - The Simply Luxurious Life. With an appreciation for quality over quantity, a more fulfilling and content life can blossom with the 10 simple attributes derived from the French culture. 

Direct download: Francophile.mp3
Category:French-inspired -- posted at: 11:30pm PDT

Regardless of your age, size, job or personality, these 10 essential wardrobe items will be the glue that pulls each season together seamlessly. 

Direct download: 3-10EssentialWardrobe.mp3
Category:fashion -- posted at: 11:00pm PDT